Ocaml is a Functional programming language that contains Mathematical functions. In this, Functions are treated as First Class Objects and Every entity is represented as a Function. It takes input and returns output With Function, - Assigned to a variable - Passed as an argument to other functions - Other functions return a function as like a variable
What is OCaml language used for?
OCaml language is a general Functional programming language that has imperative features. It contains a lot of features similar to other programming languages. It is written and inspired by F# language.
It is used for research and engineering Complex applications which include commercial application development
OCaml Features
It is a functional language Functions are treated as First class entities. Everything is termed as a function. The function can be used in the following cases - Assigned to a variable - Passed as an argument to other functions - Other functions return a function as like a variable
Statically Typed Language
Type Inference
Imperative programming language

To choose a Region follow the below step:
1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console.
2. Choose a service to go to that service's console.
3. In the navigation bar, choose the name of the currently displayed Region. Then choose the Region to which you want to switch.
Step instructions for how to assess and monitor the health and proper function of the application:
1. Navigate to your Amazon EC2 console and verify that you're in the correct region.
2. Choose Instance and select your launched instance.
3. Select the server to display your metadata page and choose the Status checks tab at the bottom of the page to review if your status checks passed or failed.
To verify the installation, follow the below instructions
Step 1. Connect to SSH:
Open the Amazon EC2 console at https://console.aws.amazon.com/ec2/.
In the navigation pane, choose Instances.
Select the instance and choose Connect.
Choose SSH Client.
Copy the SSH command and paste it into the terminal.
ssh ubuntu@publicIP -i [Path of key pair file]
If it shows an access denied message run the following command, then run the above command again to connect via ssh.
chmod 400 [Path of key pair file]
Once launched in the Amazon EC2 Service, please connect to the instance via an SSH client using the ec2-user with the key pair associated at launch. Once connected as the ec2-user user, you will be able to sudo to the root user
Step 2. Verify the installation:
Follow the steps to verify the OCaml installation
1. Login with ssh
2. Type the below command to check the version
3. To check the version :
ocaml --version

How to use OCaml in the terminal:
1. After connecting with ssh write the below command:
sudo nano helloworld.coffee
2. Paste the following code into the file:
print_string "Hello, World!\n";;
3. After that use the below command :
ocamlc -o helloworld helloworld.ml
4. Then run the below command
The output "Hello, World!" should appear in your terminal. That's it! You have successfully printed "Hello, World" using OCaml in the terminal.
5. After using the above command then verify written the below command mentioned below image:

To monitor and assess application functions:-
a. Navigate to your Amazon EC2 console and verify that you're in the correct region.
b. Choose Instances and select your launched instance.
c. Select the server to display your metadata page and choose the Status checks tab at the bottom of the page to review if your status checks passed or failed.
For detailed information about managing and requesting increased service please visit: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/aws_service_limits.html