JavaScript was introduced as a language for the client side. The development of Node.js has marked JavaScript as an emerging server-side technology too. However, as JavaScript code grows, it tends to get messier, making it difficult to maintain and reuse the code. Moreover, its failure to embrace the features of Object Orientation, strong type checking, and compile-time error checks prevents JavaScript from succeeding at the enterprise level as a full-fledged server-side technology. TypeScript was presented to bridge this gap.
Features of TypeScript :
TypeScript is just JavaScript. TypeScript starts with JavaScript and ends with JavaScript. Typescript adopts the basic building blocks of your program from JavaScript. Hence, you only need to know JavaScript to use TypeScript. All TypeScript code is converted into its JavaScript equivalent for the purpose of execution.
TypeScript supports other JS libraries. Compiled TypeScript can be consumed from any JavaScript code. TypeScript-generated JavaScript can reuse all of the existing JavaScript frameworks, tools, and libraries.
JavaScript is TypeScript. This means that any valid .js file can be renamed to .ts and compiled with other TypeScript files.
TypeScript is portable. TypeScript is portable across browsers, devices, and operating systems. It can run on any environment that JavaScript runs on. Unlike its counterparts, TypeScript doesn’t need a dedicated VM or a specific runtime environment to execute.

To verify the installation, follow the below instructions
Step 1. Connect to SSH:
Open the Amazon EC2 console at https://console.aws.amazon.com/ec2/.
In the navigation pane, choose Instances.
Select the instance and choose Connect.
Choose SSH Client
Copy the SSH command and paste it into the terminal.
ssh ec2-user@publicIP -i [Path of key pair file]
If it shows an access denied message run the following command, then run the above command again to connect via ssh.
chmod 400 [Path of key pair file]
Once launched in the Amazon EC2 Service, please connect to the instance via an SSH client using the ec2-user with the key pair associated at launch. Once connected as the ec2-user user, you will be able to sudo to the root user
Step 2. Verify the installation
Follow the steps to verify the TypeScript installation
1. Login with ssh
2. Type the below command to check the version
tsc --version
You will see the responses as shown below.

How to use TypeScript language in the terminal:
1. After connecting with ssh write the below command:
sudo nano main.ts
2. After that paste the code in the file given below :
console.log('Hello world');
3. Run the below command to convert TypeScript code to JavaScript:
tsc main.ts
4. A new file named main.js is generated. Now you can run it with the node command:
node main.js
5. If you get the Hello world in output then your TypeScript is working properly.

To monitor and assess application functions:-
a. Navigate to your Amazon EC2 console and verify that you're in the correct region.
b. Choose Instances and select your launched instance.
c. Select the server to display your metadata page and choose the Status checks tab at the bottom of the page to review if your status checks passed or failed.
For information about how to use the application, please visit: https://www.w3schools.com/typescript/
For detailed information about managing and requesting increased service please visit: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/aws_service_limits.html